
Davao's Two (2) Revenue District Offices

Davao City, being a very large city of approximately 2,444 square kilometers (according to Wikipedia) is divided into two Revenue Districts: RDO No. 113 and RDO No. 132.

Below are vital information regarding the two revenue districts of Davao City taken from www.bir.gov.ph

Revenue District Office No. 113 - West Davao City

Office Address: 2nd Floor, Kore Building, Bonifacio Street, Davao City
telefax: (082) 221-7715 / 221-5308
direct no.: (082) 221-7715
Area of Jurisdiction:Comprised of Baguio, Calinan, Marilog, Toril, Talomo and Tugbok Districts.

Revenue District Office No. 132 - East Davao City

Office Address: CD Corporation Building, F. Torres Street, Davao City
telefax: (082) 222-0199
direct no.: (082) 226-3072 (Action Officer)
staff: (082) 227-5583 / 227-1775 / 227-7525 / 227-9776 / 222-3318 / 222-3319 / 225-3358
Area of Jurisdiction:Comprised of Agdao, Buhangin, Bunawan, Paguibato and Poblacion Davao City Districts A to D.

1 comment:

Phioxee said...

thank you so much.