
May 2008 CPA Board Passers

I made a post listing the May 2008 CPA Board Exam Passers... But i didn't notice that I had a very bad copy of it... 'Twas because I didn't preview my post since I just made it in an internet cafe.. Anyway, I have deleted it already...

For a complete list, you can go to www.prcboardexamresults.com or www.mb.com.ph



CPA Board Exam May 2008

The results are coming up in a few hours... Brace yourselves....


62nd PICPA Annual National Convention

The convention held at Baguio City last April 30 to May 4 was a blast. The best part, I would say, is the regional presentations bested by the Eastern Visayas Region who ranked first place in their rendition of "The Spirit of the 70's".. I really enjoyed it! And of course, I also enjoyed my stay in Baguio City.. I'll be posting pictures in my Travel Blog soon so just feel free to visit me there....

Meanwhile, I have changed my office address and I can now be found at The Pink Room, inside the The Law Firm of Cantos, Balucanag, Dureza, and Associates, Door No. 8, Veterans Federation of the Philippines Building. Tomas Monteverde Avenue, Davao City.... Telefax is 082-2251672... (--,)